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High Performance Vaulter Development Program

Ascent vaulters represent USA at the 2023 FEI World Championships for Juniors and Young Vaulters in Flyinge, Sweden!
Melanie Ford finishes 14th on San Felice Z lunged by Christina Ender
Emma Milito finishes 21st on Wallis lunged by Nienke de Wolff
Ascent Equestrian Vaulter Junior Squad wins SILVER MEDAL at 2021 FEI Junior World Equestrian Vaulting Championships in Le Mans, France!

Founded in 2020, Ascent Equestrian Vaulting is a 501c3 non-profit that supports high performance athletic development of equestrian vaulters. The program hones talent and dedication to success through world class coaching, serious cross-training, acro, yoga, weight training, and gymnastics, combined with a true love of the sport. Teamwork, perseverance, precision, and artistic presence - those are the hallmarks of Ascent Equestrian Vaulting.
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